Saturday, April 9, 2011

Our Tough Little Man

Since our arrival in Turkey, we have spent quite a bit of time inside of hospitals.  With an infected bug bite trip to the Turkish ER, back-to-back ear infections, and a three night hospital stay for Roseola, Peter has extensive experience with doctors and nurses.  We feel so richly blessed because with each experience, God always surrounds us with amazing friends and skilled doctors.  We have felt God's healing presence so intensely with each experience, Peter always recovers very quickly and seems stronger than ever.  Our experiences have helped us to not take our sweet little boy for granted. 

When Peter was hospitalized for Roseola in February, we discovered another unrelated medical concern.  After a quick trip to the ultrasound section of the hospital, we discovered that Peter had a hydrocele/hernia.  It was purely coincidental that we were in the hospital for one medical issue and another one popped up.  The doctors reassured us that it was not urgent, but that he would have to have surgery.  At the time, my heart sank like a rock, dreading more IV's, more medications, more hospital stays. 

Since Incirlik Air Base is so small, we do not have a hospital here (just a clinic).  So if we wanted to have the surgery in Turkey, we would have to go to a Turkish hospital.  We were happy with the care Peter received at the Turkish hospital in February, however, being in a place where little English is spoken and everything is done differently adds some stress when your little baby isn't well. 
Fortunately, our doctors on base made arrangements for our little guy to have his hernia surgery at one of the best hospitals in the military, Landstuhl Hospital located on an Army Base in Germany.  Most servicemembers who are injured while deployed are sent here.

We were thrilled to have the opportunity to bring Peter to a hospital with such an outstanding reputation.  The military helped us make travel arrangments and schedule Peter's appointment.  We felt very blessed that Peter would receive such extraordinary care and that we would be able to spend some time relaxing together in Europe.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, Just catching up on your blog, I love reading of your adventures! Paul had the same surgery several months ago, (maybe 7). He has had a full recovery with no problems. We don't even notice his itty-bitty scar anymore. He had his adenoids removed last month and we were up with him all last night because he had food poisoning, so you are not alone in your little boy sicknesses! I hope you get a looooong break now :). Blessings! Lisa
