Sunday, June 7, 2015

European Adventure 2012: St. Therese Basilica

We were blessed to be able to attend Sunday Mass at the Basilica of Saint Therese in Lisieux!  To say it was impressive is an understatement!

After soaking in the grandiosity of the outer architecture, we entered the basilica and found the inside to be equally awe-inspiring!  The main floor of the basilica was vibrant with colors and details.  

the inside of the dome

the nave and the apse

Sunday Mass was celebrated by the Bishop of the area in the downstairs crypt of the basilica.  The crypt was just as gorgeous with detail and color, but this dimly lit cozy space possessed a quiet unique peace.  It was the perfect place to attend Sunday Mass and wrap up our pilgrimage to Lisieux.  Mass sounded so beautiful in French and it was celebrated by the local bishop!  The church was packed!

After the beautiful Mass, we visited the back of the crypt where the relics of Saint Therese's parents are held.  Saint Therese's holy parents, Blessed Louis Martin and Blessed Zelie Martin, are just one step away from being canonized Saints.  Their relics are held in a beautiful gold reliquary with scenes carved out from their inspiring lives.  Sweet Peter visited the reliquary with me and helped me leave a note with our special intentions for Blessed Louis and Blessed Zelie to intercede for us. 

Peter also helped me light a candle for our intentions; one of his favorite pilgrimage activities!

Our visit to the Basilica of Saint Therese was a truly special way
to spend our last morning in Lisieux!

Pictures of Blessed Martin and Blessed Zelie: inspiring examples for us as parents!

Before we left Lisieux, we just had to visit Saint Therese's tomb one last time! 
Saint Therese, please pray for us!

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